Jay, if I remember right without goin' ta look I think it says " being over 20' hp is UNRATED but is RECOMENDED 90 to 115 by manufactor". Think its a bargining chip when they get an abused and/or race boat. Don't think there's any problem when its an actual defect ( very, very rare if any) with tha production boat. Only one I've ever heard of was tha transom motor studs on tha early SS being to small which was rectified pretty quick.............. Where did ya go Darth? "BULLET BOY" is just gettin' warmed up..........:drunk: I am present and accounted for :D. Min says reccomended 90-150 & then says a blurp about effeciency or sumthin. Ventureman, what ya thinkin? Don't let the "Sabertooth VS Wolverine" spats make ya run an hide! LOL