yep, the edge is adjustable, and I normally tow on setting 1, which is IIRC +90 and stock was 625 my edge isn't running the display, so it's setup using the drive sellector and IIRC brake sequence, but works great since I don't change it often all in all, the whole package is great, I've towed a 24' camper w/ an 18' boat to gulf coast, and got between 10 and 11 MPG, and that was averaging 65MPH the whole trip! pull that off w/ a gasser, eh? not gonna happen I'd be happier if the mileage were a little higher empty, but it shines on load, and especially towing a boat, you can still pass - try that with a gasser, ain't gonna happen! I'm a pretty easy footed driver, so I don't stress stuff, and I'm not running a pyro guage, so keep it restrained - I respect my toys, but it's nice to romp it on the highway and have it gallop, or play w/ some of those little fart can honda's at stoplights! I remember one time after I added the edge, the wife had'nt driven it since, and she followed me w/ it and me driving a uhaul, a bunch of folks cut in between us, so she wanted to catch up, pulled out to pass, it did, and when she got to where we were going, she came over and said, what the heXX did you do to that truck, I pulled out to pass, looked down at the speedo and it read 85 before I knew it, it flat out gets it done! I just grinned, and said, just a little tune-up is all! he he