I am sure there are a few here sayin "oh crap....now Darth will get up on his soap box again!" You are 100% CORRECT!!!! :mad: 189 Easily could have a 175 rating 186 should have a 135 rating 176 should have a 90 or even 115 max And thats being quasi conservative! Stratos needs to bring back the "magnum" packages :( They aint the only ones. Triton has some very conservative ratings as well. It must be the fact they are being built in Flippin Arkansas. Lord knows they have never built a fast boat out of there and by gum they ain't starting now! LMAO!!!!! maybe its just me but i feel like the big boat companies are really missing a big point. boats are a luxury item, people but them to have fun. if you shortchange those who buy them when it comes to options features and design, particularly first time boat owners you are much more likely to loose future sales. they cut corners on hp, trolling motor size and other features to save on sticker price. maybe its just me but i would think there are quite a few people who get frustrated by spending $25k on a brand new boat only to be outrun by old clunkers, cant fish when its windy because the trolling motor isnt big enough, spend another $1500 on putting new graphs on ect and so they just put the for sale sign on the boat and give up on owning a boat. for little bit more on the sticker price from the factory they could have a boat rigged like it should and get a great experience out of it and buy a new one every few years. maybe i wrong about this though