Where's Winzell's at? Only place I go out to eat in G'ville is Craw MaMa's. Ate at the steak place next to it once a few years ago. Great Steak but heard they were serving a little more than steak out the back door ;). I hate Covenant Cove got shut down a great place to stay. Been over Sand Mountain many times on my way. I didn't know that Covenant Cove shut down! I never did stay there but WTF???? Winzell's is at the red light where you turned left to go to the Cove, but instead turn right. Its next to the floating condos...It's been there I think about 2 or 3 years. By the way they've got some Watermelon Margarita's that are the shi*. Get drunk on margarita's and eat a bunch oysters. Don't get much better than that. :drunk: