I honestly believe the biggest hurdle to jump is how people perceive the same set of problems. We can basically agree what the problem is but how the problem evolved and in what direction we go to solve probs is where things go bizarre. First, yes, there is a need for government and our government is the best going. Government has a role in big ideas such as Kennedy applying a vision to go to the moon. NASA was the meeting place but in reality private industry competed, designed and made every product to build rockets, fuels, capsules, shuttles, including the communication computers at NASA…..you name it the government did NOT build it. Here’s the difference of perception. Kennedy was business friendly. He cut taxes to stimulate. He knew it would be private run companies that would invent the ways. Interstates were a vision during Ike and it was funded via taxation but the government was not out there laying blacktop. They are only the collection agency to fund such projects. Hand a shovel to someone in DC and they wouldn’t know which end to use. I agree solutions in our society have to be prioritized by leadership. Currently the majority of our representation wants to eliminate the coal and oil industry. He actually said about coal “go ahead and invest in coal but you‘re going to be bankrupt from the imposed fines” (his cap and trade bill). Fine, Dude, then what are you replacing it with? This is the attitude evolving way too much without any real plan except hope in extension cords and wind. It’s a sorry state of affairs that this great country and its once thriving business climate is now dormant with hands tied and fearful of investing in anything because of the political climate.