My buddy has a small clip of us running through the mud with B2R coming off plane right in front of me causing me to get off plane as well lol... Yeah Ron I got the proof :p Lesson learned... Never come off plane when running in 1-2 feet of mud or you will get stuck! The video doesn't show the last 5 minutes of our run back to the ramp where white caps came up, the winds increased to 30mph, and the skies turned dark grey! That was the scary part!!! I didn't get stuck! I came off plane because I saw the trail in front of my boat was only about 2 ft wide and getting narrower. Ask your buddy, I told him to hang on and pulled a quick "U" and just prior to that I looked back to make sure you weren't on top of me but I had no choice. You need to stop tailgating! I will accept blame for not offering to scout out the trail before having you follow me. I haven't been through that pass in over 10 years. I should have left you at the Burnt Bridges to fish the canal while we looked for another way out since I can run shallower. All in all, that mishap didn't bother me much because we only lost about 20 minutes of fishing time. The size of that storm and how fast it caught us still bothers me. Too bad we didn't get video of the next 6 minutes. It completely got around and in front of us by then. When I finally saw those red & green channel markers, even thought we were still out on open water, it felt like we might make it and did. Just glad I didn't listen to you when you said...."Give me 3 more minutes and we can go." Thanks for posting that. P.S. for anyone wondering why we had all those "lightening" rods in the upright position during a storm, right after that video ended, we put them all down on the floor for the rest of the trip.