I thought I would Post a Jon Boat by Alumacraft..I have one of these to run the river close to my house..Its a 2010 model..NCS stands for no Center Seat..
These boats are really nice for a Jon Boat..I bought mine used like in 2013...It has a 15 Hp Mercury four stroke floor in it with carpet ,Minn Kota Power drive trolling motor.Basic lowrance 4 inch fish finder..These boats are more $ than they use to be..But fun..i built a 2019 1448 on The Alumacraft website for fun...
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2019 Alumacraft Welded MV MV1546 AW
https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https://cdp.azureedge.net/products/USA/AMC/2019/POWERBOATOUT/FRESHFISH/MV_1546_AW/50/2000000004.jpg&imgrefurl=https://mitchellmarine.com/Power-Boats-Outboard-Alumacraft-MV-1546-AW-2019-Lagrange-GA-9af03ae6-d77a-458b-ae24-a997010f5a30&docid=gDNHQcSoLeovMM&tbnid=e619tvKAp1JSyM:&vet=10ahUKEwit1PW9zb3gAhXE6IMKHeJfAAYQMwhpKB0wHQ..i&w=1500&h=999&itg=1&bih=625&biw=1280&q=2019 alumacraft jon boat pics&ved=0ahUKEwit1PW9zb3gAhXE6IMKHeJfAAYQMwhpKB0wHQ&iact=mrc&uact=8
These boats are really nice for a Jon Boat..I bought mine used like in 2013...It has a 15 Hp Mercury four stroke floor in it with carpet ,Minn Kota Power drive trolling motor.Basic lowrance 4 inch fish finder..These boats are more $ than they use to be..But fun..i built a 2019 1448 on The Alumacraft website for fun...

360 × 240
2019 Alumacraft Welded MV MV1546 AW
https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https://cdp.azureedge.net/products/USA/AMC/2019/POWERBOATOUT/FRESHFISH/MV_1546_AW/50/2000000004.jpg&imgrefurl=https://mitchellmarine.com/Power-Boats-Outboard-Alumacraft-MV-1546-AW-2019-Lagrange-GA-9af03ae6-d77a-458b-ae24-a997010f5a30&docid=gDNHQcSoLeovMM&tbnid=e619tvKAp1JSyM:&vet=10ahUKEwit1PW9zb3gAhXE6IMKHeJfAAYQMwhpKB0wHQ..i&w=1500&h=999&itg=1&bih=625&biw=1280&q=2019 alumacraft jon boat pics&ved=0ahUKEwit1PW9zb3gAhXE6IMKHeJfAAYQMwhpKB0wHQ&iact=mrc&uact=8

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