Best of luck on that yammer,your boats same color combo as mine,and my own perception of yammers is they are hevier in general,older ones arnt apparently. But even rudes have gained some weight,about the only hos that would be under that weight limit are the 150 hp. My johnson is considerbly uder 428 with a 20 in and run a 15 in,my 96 is however a 3L,and currently not running either as blew number six,but its just a piston replacement no real damage to cyl walls. Nice to know im not to low,just seems inches in the back is uncomfortable at times. I find by being on the front deck it floats rather nice,raising the troller as high as possible I get it to.8 and can still move and fish,and yes there are fish that shallow,guess they dig out holes in the muck dunno,as seems their backs would stick out sometimes.