Trailer & Leaf Spring Inspection


New Member
Jan 12, 2009
Liberty Twp., Ohio
Since its winter for most of us................this is a great time to address the one part of your rig that get's totally forgotten year after year..............​

Trailer Springs/Shackles...........When was the last time you took a look at either of these, probably never. This is one item we all take for granite that will always be there 24-7-365. Not always the case, I know !!!!. Give your springs a look-see for any that maybe cracked, especially over the axle. Now this one comes from experience.........shackle bolts. Many years ago I had an axle failure because of the shackle bolt. Where it runs through the spring eye, it goes through allot of friction during use. I've since made this a check item every other year while doing the axles. Pull the bolts out, clean out the spring eyes, apply trailer bearing grease to the inside of the spring eye & trailer eye and onto the bolts, then reinstall. Spray some lube between you leaf springs as well, they'll run quiter and last you longer. Your trailer will thank you for this through providing you with safe usage to and from your fishing hole.You don't need to do this every year, every other year should do the trick.