one of

Jan 12, 2009
Springville, Tn
1989 Ranger 333v - 1995 Evinrude 130 hp
The benefits of a weekend holiday is nearby places ,parks resorts will have various things to do ,cookouts ,contests,and a lot of varied eating places setup.
One of those at Paris Landing am going to avoid its called Pork A
Yeah its for real,havnt a clue as to how they taste,not that adventuresome.
But all kinds of things nearby to do at those places,with a lot of it for free.
Not the a holes one has to buy them.
But if a chili cookoff they need tasters ,ever tried possum chili? Or green chili?
Meanwhile after having 5 bowls of pinto beans im doing my part to solve the energy crisis.
As an added thought most chili cookers are very good at it and its normal not abby normal that generally wins.
Wanna enter one its easy,saunter in bring 100 pds of charcoil and go to work.
Local dollar store is now out of charcoal so bring yer own.