Video: Watch This Genius Ice Fishing ‘Hack’


Senior Fisheman
Jan 10, 2009
Craig, Colorado
Best Catch
Video: Watch This Genius Ice Fishing ‘Hack’

Every so often, we come across a stroke of genius in the outdoors, and this ice fishing hack looks like one of those moments.

A Facebook user apparently had his hands a little full while out ice fishing one day, so he was forced to rig something up to accommodate . . .

This is redneck innovation at its finest folks:

We admit, this is pretty good, but proof is in the pudding . . . so where are all the fish at?

We understand these things take time, and if you run out of hands to hold your beverage, well, you have to have your priorities in line!

The post Video: Watch This Genius Ice Fishing ‘Hack’ appeared first on OutdoorHub.

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