UPS shipping problems.

Jay Martin

BBM Prop Doctor
Jan 12, 2009
Greenville, Ms
Talk about bad luck, two props in two days damaged by UPS. One prop that was sent to me had been slamed so hard that one blade was bent back about 3/8 inch (Merc Trophy plus), all the packing was gone and so was the work order that was in the box that the dealership sent..:mad::mad::mad::mad:...

I sent a Tempest to Alabama, the guy got it today and said one blade had been hit about an inch up from the hub on the leading edge, Now he has to send it back for the repair that I have too eat because of UPS not taking care of it's cargo.:mad::mad::mad::mad:...

Looks like I will be making the switch to FedEx, I have never ever had a problem with them. The way things are going you would think UPS is doing it to get some recuring revenue...:mad::mad::mad::mad:....