My brother came home yesterday from D.C. and we went for a late afternoon trip. Still VERY hot down here with water temps around 84. Fished for about 1hr before even the first bite, which we were mainly catching up since it has been almost a year since I saw him. He finally got one in the boat about 6:00 and that was the last bass in the boat for the day. After the sun was nearly down we headed up river to the big bridge to try and catch a few cats. Nothing on the first couple of casts and then that very distinct jerking on the end of my rod. He was finally on and I set the hook like I was fixing to reel in a 30 pounder. I knew right away that it wasn't. When I got it in the boat it was 6" at best. After that all that would bite was bugs so we went home. Good quality time though.