The Rock...


New Member
Apr 16, 2009
Just got'em in. Didn't know they were gonna look like this - see pictures. I am still hard pressed to see how they'll make a difference but open minded enough to give'em a try and admit if I can tell a difference. As you can see they've sorta got a flat spot on'em and you may not be able to tell in the pictures but the line hole is off-set. I would think to ensure they roll over and sit on the flat spot. We'll see....

It's hard to see(impossible) in the pic's but the line passes through the weight in the middle(a tad offset) of the weight and perpendicular to where the line passes through a standard egg sinker.

Got 3 of the 3/4oz'ers and in some of the areas I fish that would be good for about 3 cast on really bad days.
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