Super Shad ???

Crazy D

New Member
Jul 4, 2010
There is a string of 5 hotel lakes connected together that i fish , that has these big shad type fish that i catch every once in a while . Most people don't believe me until i show them a picture . The fish are very large and my friend and i call them Super Shad :D . Usually end up catching these things by accident every once and a while while fishing for bass . They have a very very small mouth .

So about a month ago i came across a floating fish and it was probably the largest one i have seen or caught . It was around 14 inches . It was actually still barely twitching when i found it , after i shined my light on it . It had two large sections of it that were missing , its eye was hazed over , and the back half of it looked like it was filleted off .

Here is a pic. , can anyone tell me for sure what it is , i'm thinking it's a gizzard shad ? I have only caught these on this one particular string of lakes . But they have to be elsewhere , just not this big ? I catch these mainly using a senko , but they have also hit a crankbait .