Sexual Harassment


BBM Current Events Admiral
Aug 9, 2010
Coral Springs, Florida
I was talking to some people at the office regarding sexual harassment because of all the stuff in the news about it lately. I was pretty surprised to find out how over the top it can be (something like saying your hair looks nice today, etc.). Now obviously going straight for the cookie jar is a no no but alot of the other things that are called sexual harassment are pretty timid.

So I came up with an idea. We need to replace the whole sexual harassment thing with a new plan I would call Proposition Once. If you see someone in the office you are romantically interested in you get to ask them out, flirt with them or make a non physical advance one time. Groping is still outlawed. If they are not interested they tell you so then they then go on your personal "no-fly" list which the employer gets to keep a record of. You don't get another bite at that apple. After all, how do you know an advance is unwanted if its never made?

Alot of people meet at the office, get married and live happily ever after but the braod scope of this sexual harassment thing could potentially keep people from meeting.