Rockfishing in Australia is a very popular and with good reason.There's plenty of great fishing spot's to be had, as well as lot's of different specie's.But in saying this it can be one of the deadlist form's of sport. I was Reading a write up,saying that the Coroner said it has the highest fatality of any sport with alarming figure's.Most drowning occur from inexperienced fisho's and people that are not strong swimmer's.But in saying that,i know alot of very experienced rock fisho's have been swept off the rock's.The first thing to do is never turn your back on the sea,even if it's a calm day.Also if you get to your choosin spot and it look's rough,DONT fish it,there's alway's tomorrow.Never fish the rock's alone and while it's not inforced YET,wear a life jacket and take a long rope and some kind of floatation device to throw to someone in the water if it happen's.Alway's prepare for the worst and work out an escape plan as to were to swim to were it safe,preferable around in a calm area.Alot get killed when the try to swim back to the rock's and the waves smash them against the rock's,knocking them out and then drowning.And another important thing to remember,that is not to panic if you do find your self in the water,easier said than done but.In saying all this it can be quite safe as long as you just observe the area for 15 minutes before going on the rock's,again fish with other's and wear a lifejacket and dont take your eye's of the water and you should have a safe and enjoyable day,and hopefully some nice fish....

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