Well, I'm liking the Ranger more and more. I reported the first time I took it out that it ran smooth and hit 58 mph, at 5600 rpm's. Well, the old girl has more to offer. Yesterday on Bay Springs, I was running about 45 to 50, playing with my trim guage and marking where I would like to keep it trimmed at for the best performance. After getting settled on that, I looked at my brother and said let's see what she's got. I nailed it, and that boat jumped launched from around 45 to 65 mph in about 3 seconds. I was tickled to death. Now I know you boys are thinking, wow, so it ran 65, big deal. But buddy, that's the first time your's truly has ever ran a boat up to that speed, and I gotta confess, I was enjoying the hell out of it. I didn't keep it there very long, because we were freezing. But by god, I know what she'll do now, and I'm happy. Oh yeah, when she hit 65, I looked at the tach, and she was doing it at exactly 5800 rpms.