Monster Croc Chomps On Prop..!!!


BBM Personel Director
May 11, 2009
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28 May 2010 | Six plus metre croc terrorises NT fishermen on their 5m tinnie

Next time you’re in boating in the NT be warned, it seems tinnies are now on the menu of the Top End’s big crocs. This follows a recent incident when a monster crocodile terrorised a couple of local fisherman, and had to be killed after eating the prop off the outboard of their 5m tinnie.
The heart-thumping encounter took place in waters off the NT town of Borroloola, 50km upstream from the Gulf of Carpentaria, on the McArthur River.
The croc measured 6.325m and weighed in at 1855kg. That’s one big lizard!
It apparently began to annoy a local barramundi fisherman when it ate the prop off his outboard. He reckons the croc circled his tinnie for 20 minutes before the decision to kill it was made by him and one very frightened decky.
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