Media Silence


New Member
Nov 20, 2010
Baltimore, Ohio
Gas prices keep going up and the silence of the media is deafening. Any republican would be taking a beating in the news at this point but instead we get a wise guy speech from the president mocking “drill baby drill” and just plain telling untruths about oil leases. It really makes me sick. Every speech this guy makes every other word is “I, I, I, I” and this twit has done nothing well in office thus far as far as I’m concerned. A recent poll says his numbers are in the low 40’s and never a mention of that from the media.

Back to gasoline…..I’ve stated before I’m not into defending oil companies but I am into defending the idea that we must have a lot of it for the interim time, however long it takes for some marketable alternative that actually passes the smell tests to real customers and not just some volt publicity stunt for 2012.…..sales to date a whopping 1000 most to other government agencies. Too often I hear people really angry that the same gas in the tanks yesterday suddenly goes up tomorrow. Well, tell me any commodity that hasn’t done the same thing in years? Those same kidney beans or boxes of cereal are the same ones on the shelf yesterday in the store as they are today and the prices fluctuate. My point?…..time to focus this anger not only to oil companies but moreso to the idiot politicians who mock and play politics…..either party!