Well guys... 15 days in Manila Philippines was definitely an adventure! We hired 45 employees, trained them, and got to meet some amazing folks along the way. I have to say I fell in love with the people there. I have never experienced such kind hearted amazing people in my entire life who may be poor, may have to travel 3 hours on a jeepney to get to work every day but are still the most humble and friendliest folks in the world. I was called Sir Ernie for 15 days... My laundry was done every time i needed it done at the hotel, we had hotel chauffeur service every day, the hospitality was unsurpassed. I even had to take photos with over 40 individuals on my last day training, I was given gifts, hand woven bracelets, baked goods, and other things on my way out. People hugged me and cried when I was finally leaving. I was overwhelmed by people who didn't have cars, didn't have flat panels hanging on their walls, who lived 10 in a dormitory to get by, who really appreciated life in general with no need for materialistic crap we are used to in the USA. These people who had nothing were the kindest people i have ever met and they changed my life forever and the way i view things. Honestly, if I didn't have kids and a wife and family back home, i could have seen myself living in that type of culture and happy until I died. Really an overwhelming experience and I am greatful to have had the opportunity to meet such amazing people! With that said, they will get pounded by a massive typhoon this weekend. Pray for them guys. Last year, 7300 died on a similar storm!
Glad to be back guys.... I really missed my BBM family. Whats new around here anyways???
Glad to be back guys.... I really missed my BBM family. Whats new around here anyways???