KVD.....The Classic Winner


New Member
Jan 16, 2009
SouthEast Arkansas
Now that all the hustle and the bustle of the classic is finally settling I wanted to start a discussion on the Pro's and what makes them so good.

Personally I feel that a person can succeed only as far as his willingness to committ to what he is doing.

KVD is a fantastic example. I just got through reading an article on him and in it it emphasizes his focus and committment to the sport. He himself stated that when he looses that just fuels his passion to come out swinging and win the next time.

I have had the pleasure of meeting a couple of the older pro's....Larry Nixon had the same passion that KVD has in my opinion. I could not belive the focus that man had several years ago when I met him. He was in a restaurant and of course I had to introduce myself. We ate together and discussed alot of fishing related stuff. HE WAS UNREAL at the knowledge he had. But I will always remeber what he said.........

ANYONE including you can succed in the professional fishing game if you committ to it but the main key to being successful is TIME ON THE WATER....

He told me that at that time he was spending at least 5 days a week on the water in different areas. It didnt matter to him whether the sun was shining or not. Being able to fish in ANY condition and produce is the ticket.

I laughed and said what about the money side.........He quoted to me......Fish and be successful and the money will come ...people take notice and are more willing to sponsor even if you are fishing on a local level.

What do you guys think it takes to be successful as a Pro FIsherman???