Hoffa SOB gets a pass


New Member
Nov 20, 2010
Baltimore, Ohio
Is it me or is there a definite double standard in the attitude of the media and also the current President of the USA when it comes to harsh political comments. Everyday we hear how vulgar and mean-spirited the Tea Party is. Yet over Labor Day we have James Hoffa calling the Tea Party people SOB’s that need taken out. What happened to President Obama calling for civility and a toning down of harsh rhetoric that can influence violent actions. Granted there are radical people within any group but there really isn’t an actual Tea Party excepting organized but small groups!!!…..a lot of people who call themselves Tea Party never attend such events…..yet to listen to the media it is some evil group. Everyone I know who relate to many things the Tea Party’ers are saying are normal, everyday people. Personally, I have not heard any so-called Tea Party candidate say anything remotely close to the violent rhetoric Hoffa and Union leadership people spew yet they get a pass. The President even spoke to that crowd later and never a hint of calling for civility. It sickens me and I’d vote for anyone before any consideration of this guy.