HELP!! FEMA maps are killing me


New Member
Oct 22, 2009
lawrenceburg ky.
O.K let me explain my situation.

I bought the property that I live on in 2002.It has a small creek running through the very back of it that normally has little to no water running through it.When I went to get my permits to build they told my I had to get it cleared through the state that I would be out of the 100 year flood plain.I did that and they told me that as long as I built 140' off of the creek I was good.(I have this in writing)As all of you know,flood water don't care how far away you are it just cares how high you are,so I asked them what elevation do I need to build and they told me it don't matter as long as you are 140' off the creek,(this is the kind of dumb arses I'm dealing with here).

So I build my house 175' off of the creek and 4' above the original grade so I would be covered,(WRONG)

I get a letter in the mail from my home loan holder stating that F.E.M.A has updated their flood plain maps and that my house is in it.Now remember, I have been here for 7 years and the water has never even came close.So how in the H$ll can they just say that my house is in the flood plain.

Now my bank is making me get $250,000 of flood insurance.It is going to cost me $350 a month.

I called F.E.M.A to see about getting the map changed and was told that I can get an engineer to survey my lot ($500) and send in the results with $425 and the would look at it but no guarantee.

Have any one ever went through this before?

What would you do?