HEAT.....A word of CAUTION

Jan 16, 2009
SouthEast Arkansas
Heat is something that we all deal with in one way or another....some of us deal with it daily in our jobs or in our favorite sport Fishing.
Since I had a small issue yesterday while at the doctors yesterday there was some things pointed out to me that I felt should be passed on to all of us.
First off if you ever go down because of heat it becomes easier from then on to feel the effects of heat much much faster.......sometimes your body will give you a warning and other times it wont and such was the case yesterday.
Some things you need to keep in mind....

WATER is the very best to not only replenish your body but also to ward off the effects of heat. If you are say going out for a day of fishing or going to do some work outside.........DRINK plenty of water BEFORE you even get started. In doing so this will give you body time to hydrate.Trying to rehydrate your body is much tougher than keeping it hydrated.
Keep drinking water even though you feel ok. Your body is a complex machine that needs all its parts working so other parts dont have to work harder. It was pointed out to me that even though you dont feel thirsty you could still be on the verge of a heat related problem. I was advised to drink 8oz every other hour or so...........and the hotter it gets the more frequent you need to rehydrate.
Things such as muscle fatigue will set in VERY quickly and can lead to much more dire results.
The doctor EMPHASIZED that PREVENTION is the BEST way to keep going and lessen the effects of heat. It was also pointed out that it does not have to be 105 degress for heat to get you. I was in the shade and had a fan going when it tried to get me.
So please take your time and DRINK DRINK DRINK WATER and did I mention DRINK WATER!!!!!