We are on the docket for the May 15th State Advisory meeting to be held at Eufala. I've been asked to be the speaker... (I may need security....
Among other things, all of us who guide on Guntersville are in agreement that there should be changes. Many other anglers are in agreement. The Pro's signed it tonight at the TOC seminar. My sincere thanks to them.
Our primary goal is going to a 5 fish limit, with consideration of some other changes to protect what is one of the most unique and cherished lakes in the Country.
Below is what I plan to say, and what we plan to submit. I have set up an email dedicated to adding to the petition list. PLEASE send an email to the below address in support of saving Lake Guntersville for the future. If you've ever fished the lake you will know what I mean. I will print the emails and submit them to the State. Please email only once, and add your concerns. Email is savegville@gmail.com
PLEASE pass this on to all people, friends, enemies, etc that you know. We need as many signatures and emails as possible. Petitions can be signed or obtained at all of our local bait/tackle shops.
Here is what they will hear me say.
Lake Guntersville is not the jewel of Alabama, it is the jewel of the South East, and one of the top Jewels of the country. It is in the top of the list of places in the country to visit and fish. Due to immensely increased fishing pressure, better equipment and fishing information, and immensely increased tournament pressure, there has been a significant increase in harvest, poaching and tournament mortality. We are respectfully asking for a change in the daily limits and possession limits to protect the resource for the future.
We believe that the daily creel limit for black bass on Lake Guntersville should be lowered from 10 fish to 5 fish per person and the possession limit should be lowered to 5 fish per person. Lake Guntersville is a unique fishery and should have specific and dedicated regulations to protect it for our future. We also believe there should be some monitoring and possible enforcement of the tournament mortality issue and fish care.
We are 100% convinced that the current regulations are outdated and should be changed to provide a more responsible foundation for future conservation. Along with the request for changes we are submitting the signatures of many professional and recreational lake users in support of new regulations.
Between those of us who are professionals on the lake, there are literally hundreds of years of experience. We believe we understand the whole picture as to protecting the fish population, and increasing the quality of the population which is critical to Alabama tourism revenue. Anglers are by far the main contributors to the tourism economy around Lake Guntersville.
We greatly appreciate the time to share our concerns with the State and for the States consideration of the changes we believe are critical for our families, kids and visitors.
**********Here are the ideas for change we will submit:
Our current limit regulations are outdated in comparison with current lake use. Lake Guntersville draws many more visitors than other lakes, receives a lot more media press, Internet press and television in terms of fishing and is considered one of the top angling destinations in the Country.
In the past few years, fishing pressure has increased immensely. We are now at risk for population declines due to over harvest, poaching and mortality from so many tournaments on the lake. We watch this day to day as we spend up to 300 days a year on the water.
We are tired of seeing the carnage, we believe that action must be taken and we are concerned with the future of our great resource on Lake Guntersville.
We understand that enforcement is limited and that funding is limited. This only adds credence to the need for better and up to date fishing creel regulations.
Lake Guntersville is one of the most unique fisheries in the world. There should be dedicated regulations specific to it’s unique characteristics. In the past, lakes have been destroyed due to shortsighted and inadequate regulations. We have hope that Alabama can be a model of good management to one of the most incredible fisheries in the world.
We have watched and have been appalled at large numbers of lake visitors from both in state and out of state who come here only to fill up big portable freezers. We are appalled that people can take 10 fish per person legally and put them in their private ponds. The 10 fish per person limit invites people who want to hoard and abuse our resource. We are appalled that each spring we see thousands of filleted carcasses laying at boat ramps. We are disappointed that we do not have better protection from the State, and we believe that if we do not make changes, we won’t have a good place for people to fish and visit.
Lake Guntersville was wiped out before, it was the dead sea in the early 90s, no one came here because the fish were small and few could be caught. Many of us who guide on the lake can verify this. This can again happen if protection measures are not put into place. Our crystal ball to the future has been the tragedy of the past on a number of lakes that many of us have witnessed. We don't want that to happen here.
Keep in mind that the following includes new ideas to be put on the table, and are open for debate or consideration as to viability.
We are asking for:
· New limits - A 5 fish limit on all black bass in Lake Guntersville and its tributaries to be in place by 2011.
· Consideration for a slot limit. The beginning idea of 14 to 20 inches with only one fish over 20 inches to be kept. We believe that people should eat the smaller fish, and not slaughter so many big fish as we have seen in the past few years. Our limit idea is 5 fish under 14 inches and only one over 20”. This would protect much of the trophy class for the future. We currently have no protection for a trophy class fishery.
· Enforcement - Increased enforcement visibility during the period from March 15 to April 30, when most of the poaching crews come to the lake. This would include a mandate to keep new regulations posted at all ramps public and in surrounding fish camps and camp grounds. Livewells and freezers should be inspected diligently.
· Tournament waiver - To keep the tournament revenue flowing, a waiver could be established to allow tournament angers to keep 5 fish over 15 “ - so long as they are weighed in the same day and released the same day. (Most of us believe a 3 fish limit would be adequate for tournaments on Guntersville Lake.)
· Dead fish – We believe a state mandate to decrease tournament mortality should be in place. Tournaments should not be allowed to weigh in dead fish. Tournaments should not be allowed to cull dead fish. Specifically, if an angler catches 5, and one dies, he/she weighs in only the 4 live fish. If two die, the angler weighs in 3… etc. The dead fish must be checked in. Dead fish between the slot may be kept by the angler or the tournament staff for consumption under the tournament waiver.
· Permits – We believe that tournaments on Lake Guntersville must obtain a permit from the State at a reasonable fee to allow the tournament to take place. Right now it’s a free for all… we have up to 4 tournaments going out of the same ramp. There is no enforcement, no regulation and many tournaments are not caring for the fish they catch. This is absurd in a modern, civilized American state. It has not only created a viable danger to the fish populations, but has increased the risk for death or injury to all lake users on the lake during events.
Our 1st priority is to reduce the creel limit, with consideration of the other concerns in terms of new and updated legislation.
I am setting up a website for the Lake Guntersville Anglers Association. Should be up by May 5. (Cinco de save our lake) Address will be anglingalabama.com/lgaa
Thanks for those who act. If we care, we must act. !
[SIZE=-1]Angling Alabama - Troy Jens / Professional Fishing Guide / Experience the best of the outdoors on Lake Guntersville, the Tennessee River and North Alabama.[/SIZE] Call 256-683-7934
Among other things, all of us who guide on Guntersville are in agreement that there should be changes. Many other anglers are in agreement. The Pro's signed it tonight at the TOC seminar. My sincere thanks to them.
Our primary goal is going to a 5 fish limit, with consideration of some other changes to protect what is one of the most unique and cherished lakes in the Country.
Below is what I plan to say, and what we plan to submit. I have set up an email dedicated to adding to the petition list. PLEASE send an email to the below address in support of saving Lake Guntersville for the future. If you've ever fished the lake you will know what I mean. I will print the emails and submit them to the State. Please email only once, and add your concerns. Email is savegville@gmail.com
PLEASE pass this on to all people, friends, enemies, etc that you know. We need as many signatures and emails as possible. Petitions can be signed or obtained at all of our local bait/tackle shops.
Here is what they will hear me say.
Lake Guntersville is not the jewel of Alabama, it is the jewel of the South East, and one of the top Jewels of the country. It is in the top of the list of places in the country to visit and fish. Due to immensely increased fishing pressure, better equipment and fishing information, and immensely increased tournament pressure, there has been a significant increase in harvest, poaching and tournament mortality. We are respectfully asking for a change in the daily limits and possession limits to protect the resource for the future.
We believe that the daily creel limit for black bass on Lake Guntersville should be lowered from 10 fish to 5 fish per person and the possession limit should be lowered to 5 fish per person. Lake Guntersville is a unique fishery and should have specific and dedicated regulations to protect it for our future. We also believe there should be some monitoring and possible enforcement of the tournament mortality issue and fish care.
We are 100% convinced that the current regulations are outdated and should be changed to provide a more responsible foundation for future conservation. Along with the request for changes we are submitting the signatures of many professional and recreational lake users in support of new regulations.
Between those of us who are professionals on the lake, there are literally hundreds of years of experience. We believe we understand the whole picture as to protecting the fish population, and increasing the quality of the population which is critical to Alabama tourism revenue. Anglers are by far the main contributors to the tourism economy around Lake Guntersville.
We greatly appreciate the time to share our concerns with the State and for the States consideration of the changes we believe are critical for our families, kids and visitors.
**********Here are the ideas for change we will submit:
Our current limit regulations are outdated in comparison with current lake use. Lake Guntersville draws many more visitors than other lakes, receives a lot more media press, Internet press and television in terms of fishing and is considered one of the top angling destinations in the Country.
In the past few years, fishing pressure has increased immensely. We are now at risk for population declines due to over harvest, poaching and mortality from so many tournaments on the lake. We watch this day to day as we spend up to 300 days a year on the water.
We are tired of seeing the carnage, we believe that action must be taken and we are concerned with the future of our great resource on Lake Guntersville.
We understand that enforcement is limited and that funding is limited. This only adds credence to the need for better and up to date fishing creel regulations.
Lake Guntersville is one of the most unique fisheries in the world. There should be dedicated regulations specific to it’s unique characteristics. In the past, lakes have been destroyed due to shortsighted and inadequate regulations. We have hope that Alabama can be a model of good management to one of the most incredible fisheries in the world.
We have watched and have been appalled at large numbers of lake visitors from both in state and out of state who come here only to fill up big portable freezers. We are appalled that people can take 10 fish per person legally and put them in their private ponds. The 10 fish per person limit invites people who want to hoard and abuse our resource. We are appalled that each spring we see thousands of filleted carcasses laying at boat ramps. We are disappointed that we do not have better protection from the State, and we believe that if we do not make changes, we won’t have a good place for people to fish and visit.
Lake Guntersville was wiped out before, it was the dead sea in the early 90s, no one came here because the fish were small and few could be caught. Many of us who guide on the lake can verify this. This can again happen if protection measures are not put into place. Our crystal ball to the future has been the tragedy of the past on a number of lakes that many of us have witnessed. We don't want that to happen here.
Keep in mind that the following includes new ideas to be put on the table, and are open for debate or consideration as to viability.
We are asking for:
· New limits - A 5 fish limit on all black bass in Lake Guntersville and its tributaries to be in place by 2011.
· Consideration for a slot limit. The beginning idea of 14 to 20 inches with only one fish over 20 inches to be kept. We believe that people should eat the smaller fish, and not slaughter so many big fish as we have seen in the past few years. Our limit idea is 5 fish under 14 inches and only one over 20”. This would protect much of the trophy class for the future. We currently have no protection for a trophy class fishery.
· Enforcement - Increased enforcement visibility during the period from March 15 to April 30, when most of the poaching crews come to the lake. This would include a mandate to keep new regulations posted at all ramps public and in surrounding fish camps and camp grounds. Livewells and freezers should be inspected diligently.
· Tournament waiver - To keep the tournament revenue flowing, a waiver could be established to allow tournament angers to keep 5 fish over 15 “ - so long as they are weighed in the same day and released the same day. (Most of us believe a 3 fish limit would be adequate for tournaments on Guntersville Lake.)
· Dead fish – We believe a state mandate to decrease tournament mortality should be in place. Tournaments should not be allowed to weigh in dead fish. Tournaments should not be allowed to cull dead fish. Specifically, if an angler catches 5, and one dies, he/she weighs in only the 4 live fish. If two die, the angler weighs in 3… etc. The dead fish must be checked in. Dead fish between the slot may be kept by the angler or the tournament staff for consumption under the tournament waiver.
· Permits – We believe that tournaments on Lake Guntersville must obtain a permit from the State at a reasonable fee to allow the tournament to take place. Right now it’s a free for all… we have up to 4 tournaments going out of the same ramp. There is no enforcement, no regulation and many tournaments are not caring for the fish they catch. This is absurd in a modern, civilized American state. It has not only created a viable danger to the fish populations, but has increased the risk for death or injury to all lake users on the lake during events.
Our 1st priority is to reduce the creel limit, with consideration of the other concerns in terms of new and updated legislation.
I am setting up a website for the Lake Guntersville Anglers Association. Should be up by May 5. (Cinco de save our lake) Address will be anglingalabama.com/lgaa
Thanks for those who act. If we care, we must act. !
[SIZE=-1]Angling Alabama - Troy Jens / Professional Fishing Guide / Experience the best of the outdoors on Lake Guntersville, the Tennessee River and North Alabama.[/SIZE] Call 256-683-7934