The Southern Kingfish Association is calling on its members, tackle manufacturers and the boating and fishing communities to speak out against the closure of certain fishing areas to recreational boaters and anglers.
Recently the National Marine Fisheries Service and the South Atlantic Fishery Management Council told fishermen they were "required by law" to close all bottom fishing in more than 1,000 square miles of coastal waters from North Carolina to Florida to protect and rebuild the red snapper populations, though they admit to having insufficient scientific data to make an accurate determination of the health of the stock, the Southern Kingfish Association's Bob Flocken said in a letter to constituents.
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Recently the National Marine Fisheries Service and the South Atlantic Fishery Management Council told fishermen they were "required by law" to close all bottom fishing in more than 1,000 square miles of coastal waters from North Carolina to Florida to protect and rebuild the red snapper populations, though they admit to having insufficient scientific data to make an accurate determination of the health of the stock, the Southern Kingfish Association's Bob Flocken said in a letter to constituents.
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