Fisherman's Kayak lets you fish where no kayaker has fished before


Lord of Tomfoolery
Apr 27, 2010
Bethlehem, Georgia

Who ever heard of fishing in a kayak? Until the Fisherman’s Kayak came along, kayak fishing was an activity worthy of a Three Stooges episode. This one lets you cruise out to that special spot, sneaking along motorless just like a normal kayaker so you won’t scare away all those whopper fish. Then extend the two outriggers for a perfect fishing platform.

It even has a special pull rope that helps you get up out of that thing and into angling position. Available in the blue color you see here or olive drab for even more stealth, you’d better be pretty serious about kayak fishing because it’ll cost you $1900. That’s not too bad considering that some swanky fiberglass kayaks can cost in excess of $3000.

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