Finally put it in the water today

Feb 13, 2010
Moscow Mills, MO.
Well I got tired of waiting for Mark Twain lake to thaw, so I got off work early today and took it to the Mississippi river to test her out. Temp was around 50 and the water was like glass. I backed her down the ramp and turned the key and she sprang to life !! After letting it warm up for about 15 minutes I pulled it off the trailer and headed upstream. After I got into the main channel I decided it was time to see how well it would come to plane. I hammered the hotfoot and started trimming up with the pro-trim and it launched out of the water and was on plane in nothing flat, WHAT A RUSH! I motored upriver for a few miles and turned around and did it again. My face still hurts from smiling so much. Weather is suppose to be nice all weekend, so I plan on heading back out soon. This boat is a far cry from the 1980 Ranger with a 140 Chrysler I had. Just thought I would share my day on the water with ya.:D