... The National Sensitivity Award.
AP News Release -----> The National Sensitivity Award committiee bestowed this honorable award in view of the undeniable fact that someday... maybe... Ok so it's a real long shot... but polled members of the committee determined that is possible, though hardly probable, that DougW might display an act of sensitivity deemed worthy of this honor(although most committee members interviewed privately indicated they would not hold their breaths waiting for this to happen).
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AP News Release -----> The National Sensitivity Award committiee bestowed this honorable award in view of the undeniable fact that someday... maybe... Ok so it's a real long shot... but polled members of the committee determined that is possible, though hardly probable, that DougW might display an act of sensitivity deemed worthy of this honor(although most committee members interviewed privately indicated they would not hold their breaths waiting for this to happen).
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