Deep Thoughts

Jan 16, 2009
SouthEast Arkansas
Every since I talked to our buddy Zooker the other day I have had things swarming around in my head.......NO BONSAI AND BULLET aint the bats.

What I am referring to is how fast things can happen and what can a person do to be better prepared in an event like this.

Ole Zook is in the prime of his life when this ugly condition surfaced. Now mind you cannot prepare for that...if a person is going to get sick they are going to get sick.....only a certain amount of measures you can do to maybe try to prevent that....but I am referring to is life in general.

Tragic things happen and sometimes a person will be able to change something that they have done in life...but on the other hand....They may NOT have the choice of changing something.......thats what I am referring to. I know I am just thinking out loud and maybe sounds crazy