cool morning, hot coffee


BBM's Brewista
May 17, 2009
Charleston WV
The coffee is great, and the morning was past the cool point, it was colder then a well diggers azz.

There was actually snow on top of the mountain range around the base, and it's way to early for that to start happening, even if they are 19,000 feet above sea level.

Let's see, what else is going on here, Well about midnight we had an earthquake, it was 6.2 but didn't last but a couple of minutes.

I have never really felt a earthquake before, so as I was laying there wondering who was shaking my bed, and how they got in my room since my living area is attached to my office, and I don't share it with anyone, I really got worried

I reached over and turned the light on and nobody was in there, so when I woke up this morning, I didn't know if I was dreaming or what, till someone ask if I felt the quake lastnight.

Well, here it is Saturday, what's the plan for today?

You know as I was sitting around thinking to myself, I figured during my addled career as a fisherman, I have gone on a lot of wild-goose chases,

And I ruefully hope and expect to go on a lot more before I hang up my rod and reel.

Let's all have a safe day.