

BBM Current Events Admiral
Aug 9, 2010
Coral Springs, Florida
Interesting Article in the WSJ today about a program Perry started in Texas. The program offered cash to business that relocated to Texas. The idea of the program was to create jobs and lure companies in the technology and pharmaceutical industry. This plan apparently worked and resulted in several business' relocating to Texas bringing jobs there. This program is different than what most other states do in that the state actually paid cash to the companies that relocated there as opposed to giving them tax breaks and credits.

Now the confusing part.

Even though this program was successful in creating jobs people are now giving him heat over it claiming it was corporate welfare and that it was used to give his friends taxpayer money. Even more confusing, is that several tea party groups have been critical of the plan as a waste of taxpayer funds even though it grew the Texas economy and created jobs.

He used taxpayer money to create jobs in Texas. Seems like a good use of funds to me given the unemployment the country is facing. I can see liberals being upset saying that the money should have gone to social programs but I gotta say that I'm a bit surprised that much of criticism came from the right. Its getting hard to tell who stands for what anymore.