A lot of stuff in the Pot again today!!!!!
Web site building website building.................for most of the day!!
Which is great, i think, we can finally open the windows around here without our electricity bill going thru the roof!!! Did Obama tax electricity yet? Would that be considered a green job?
I will also be closing up loose ends on my desk today, so if i was suppose to do something for you, i might me calling you today!
I hope everybody has a little sunshine today!:anim_05:
Web site building website building.................for most of the day!!
Which is great, i think, we can finally open the windows around here without our electricity bill going thru the roof!!! Did Obama tax electricity yet? Would that be considered a green job?
I will also be closing up loose ends on my desk today, so if i was suppose to do something for you, i might me calling you today!
I hope everybody has a little sunshine today!:anim_05: