caffeine or no caffeine, that is the question


BBM's Brewista
May 17, 2009
Charleston WV
Hope everyone is waking up to a fine Tuesday morning, and as you are sitting around trying to focus on the day ahead.

My quick question is, do you rely on caffeine to get you motor running in the morning, I don't mean just coffee, I'm talking about any caffeine drink.

I know as a caffeine addict myself, I need my three cups in the morning, one and a half for each eye.

How do people wake up without it? I have no idea.

Last year I read about a study conducted by NASA involving spiders and the affects of marijuana, Benzedrine (speed) and caffeine on their web-making capabilities. It seems the webs they generally weave whether or not practicing to deceive were erratic under the influence of marijuana, incomplete with Benzedrine and could not be woven AT ALL when caffeine was introduced into their systems.

I guess the good thing is, we're not spiders.

Everybody have a safe day and let's make fishin' our mission