Bonsaibp's simple solutions to complex problems



When you’re out on a boat not catching fish all day you never know what might run through your head. Here are some of the thoughts I had today.

Problem #1
For my entire life there has been an Israeli and Palestine problem with no hope of achieving peace there is spite of everything that’s been done. The solution…. Take the politicians out of the process. Randomly pick 12 Palestine and 12 Israeli common citizens from various walks of life. Soldiers, farmers, shopkeepers, plumbers, waitress’s etc. Put them up some place and give them 10 days to work out a solution. Without the political games and intrigue I know just regular people can come to some kind of satisfactory answer. Whatever they agree on should be what happens.
Problem #2 Crime and prisons
Crime is rampant and even when someone gets caught they are in and out of prison way to quickly often committing more crimes. The solution… increase the penalties for doing the crime and make prison something more like prison than a retreat. For lesser felonies where no one has been hurt the sentence should be a minimum of 5 years hard labor lets bring back the old style road crews. More serious felonies should get life at hard labor. Now most prisoners have it better off in prison than out on the street. Between prison stores, TV in your cell, 3 squares a day, free medical and dental and even conjugal visits , a lot of criminals have no incentive to stay out. Murder, child sexual abuse, rape and terrorism should get the death penalty with it carried out within one year. Really make it so that crime does not pay and we’ll see a reduction in crime and less prison recidivism

Problem #3 Welfare
Its real simple if you physically or mentally can not take care of yourself than you should get help. Other than that it becomes workfare. Every able bodied person who wants welfare needs to earn it. We could take some of them and train them in child care so they can take care of the kids that belong to the others. The rest can be put to work cleaning streets, parks, public buildings and other community service type work.
Well that’s all for now I’ll tackle the rest of the worlds problems later . Next we solve the illegal immigration and heath care problems.