Jody Lovejoy, a longtime employee of Fish Tale Marina in Fort Myers Beach, Fla., was charged with grand theft and fraud for allegedly embezzling more than $243,000 from the owners of the marina.
Marina owner Alva Durrett said Lovejoy, 51, worked there for 23 years and was a good friend, according to a news report on So it came as a shock, Durrett said, when she discovered irregularities in the marina's books.
Lovejoy allegedly wrote checks to herself for almost eight years, from April 30, 2003, to Jan. 14, 2010.
Marina owner Alva Durrett said Lovejoy, 51, worked there for 23 years and was a good friend, according to a news report on So it came as a shock, Durrett said, when she discovered irregularities in the marina's books.
Lovejoy allegedly wrote checks to herself for almost eight years, from April 30, 2003, to Jan. 14, 2010.