Anticipation.........Who will win a fishing trip with Hank Parker?


Senior Fisheman
Jan 10, 2009
Craig, Colorado
Best Catch
Anticipation.........Who will win a fishing trip with Hank Parker?

Timeline Photos
The time has come! We are drawing the winner of the 2015 @[104561604595:274:Ranger Boats], the fishing trip with @[114810515259613:274:Hank Parker], and the fishing trip with @[140837402651598:274:Jason Christie] tomorrow at 6:15PM CST! Officer Aaron Pearson will personally be drawing the winners from the livewell of the grand prize Ranger Boat. If you're in Springfield, MO, you can see the drawing live downtown on the Square. Otherwise, we'll be posting a video and the winners will be announced just after the drawing! The winners will be contacted ASAP.

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