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How stupid!!!
This makes me sick!!
Teen To Face Adult Charges In Alpaca Beating Death
POSTED: 2:58 pm EDT May 7, 2010
UPDATED: 3:04 pm EDT May 7, 2010
Comments (18)
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<!--startindex-->HAMILTON --
A Butler County judge has ruled that a 17-year-old boy should be tried as an adult on charges that he stole a baby alpaca that he's also accused of helping beat to death.
Authorities said Marcus Miller is one of three people involved in taking the 3-month-old alpaca from a farm near Middletown in January, beating the animal and dumping it in an abandoned barn.
Butler County Juvenile Judge Kathleen Romans on Friday set bond at $40,000 for Miller, of Madison Township. Felony charges of grand theft, breaking and entering, tampering with evidence and vandalism head to a grand jury.
A misdemeanor charge of cruelty to animals stays in juvenile court.
The animal killed, named Masterpiece, was valued at $8,000.
The other teen faces a similar hearing next week.
How stupid!!!
This makes me sick!!
Teen To Face Adult Charges In Alpaca Beating Death
POSTED: 2:58 pm EDT May 7, 2010
UPDATED: 3:04 pm EDT May 7, 2010

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<!--startindex-->HAMILTON --
- Images: Alpaca Killed In Brutal Attack
A Butler County judge has ruled that a 17-year-old boy should be tried as an adult on charges that he stole a baby alpaca that he's also accused of helping beat to death.
Authorities said Marcus Miller is one of three people involved in taking the 3-month-old alpaca from a farm near Middletown in January, beating the animal and dumping it in an abandoned barn.
Butler County Juvenile Judge Kathleen Romans on Friday set bond at $40,000 for Miller, of Madison Township. Felony charges of grand theft, breaking and entering, tampering with evidence and vandalism head to a grand jury.
A misdemeanor charge of cruelty to animals stays in juvenile court.
The animal killed, named Masterpiece, was valued at $8,000.
The other teen faces a similar hearing next week.