Three american tourists

Jan 12, 2009
Springville, Tn
1989 Ranger 333v - 1995 Evinrude 130 hp
Detained in Iran,hikers who got lost and crossed the border?
Had they a good handheld gps ,they would have known.
Why would anyone want to hike in Iraq,then mistakenly cross the border.
Not exactly a safe place to take a hike,landmines,Alkida,private armies,and Iranians just a hop skip and a jump away.
4 members but one was sick and stayed behind and got a cell ph call from the other three,must have had the network.
Heck 2 out of three providers have a blank spot here at ky lake,yet these guys had signal in the middle of the desert.
I hate to say it but sounds like a coverup from a black ops,not necessarilly our governments,who would be stupid enough to hike there,without being paid a fortune.I mean given the option,most of our troops arnt asked.