That sinking feeling


New Member
Feb 27, 2009
Milan, NY 12571
Recreational boats 20' and under are all equipped with full foam floatation that's supposed to keep them afloat in an upright position should the hull get a hole in it. Larger boats are not required to contain this floatation, and many do not, they can sink like stones. Obviously, when you buy a boat, you should give special atention to those of whatever size that contain floatation to keep you and your crew safe no matter what.
Sinking is rare in any well maintained boat. Leaks, however, are not. And when the water comes in faster than you can get it to go out, the boat fills up.
Even a boat with full floatation may not stay upright once it gets loaded down with hundreds of pounds of water. When buoyancy is lost, waves can roll over the gunnels and complete the swamping process, in rough water, the boat is likely to turn over.

Be safe and stay afloat!!