American Politics?


New Member
Nov 4, 2010
Shrewsbury Ontario Canada
I’ve read in many places by many people that they feel Obama is the worst president in history. They say this not just for the less than favorable policy that’s been pushed through his administration but obviously the massive amount of debt he’s racked up.

My question is this, if put in the position he came into office in, what would you have done differently? Why? And how do you feel it would have changed the course of America from the state it has reached today?

I’m asking because I see all kinds of comments tearing him down about what he does and what he’s doing, but I very rarely read anything about what he should be doing differently. So if you had to do the job that he does, how would you do it? What would you do, how would you make it happen?

Education? Medicare? National Debt? Employment Rate? International Diplomatic Relations? That’s just to name a few.

Please note I am not asking these questions to ruffle any feathers. I am just truly interested in hearing different ideas and opinions of the individuals who are affected by these policies. I like to read about Politics and not the phony made up garbage the media is instructed to provide us. But rather the voice of the everyday honest Joe.