
  1. gonefishing7903

    Happy Mother’s day

    Happy Mother’s day to all the ladies out there. Rolled out of bed a little after six this morning and headed outside to watch the horses, listen to the wild turkeys and enjoy the solitude. The mosquitoes tried to intrude upon that but long sleeves and pants helped. Mom-in-law will be down...
  2. gonefishing7903

    Saturday Morning Comming Down

    Thought Id fill in for Laus this morning since he's reinacting his college spring break on a cruise ship somewhere. It's going to be super windy here so didn't even think about getting the boat wet. Got up at six and loaded the tractor. A friend the next town over has about 4 acres of yard...
  3. gonefishing7903

    How to Spend a Long Weekend Without Fishing

    Well it's a three day weekend for me but one I almost never try to go fishing due to the crowds. That's ok though because I have plenty of stuff to catch up on: car is past due for an oil change, my truck needs the transmission fluid and filter changed, last night it started showing a fault...